Hebron – A Historical Overview
Hebron, located 19 miles south of Jerusalem in the Judean hills, and is the oldest Jewish community in the world. Hebron is mentioned in 10 of the 24 books of the BIble a total of

A Bond Sealed in Blood
Of the 24 students of the Slabodka yeshivah murdered in the Chevron massacre, eight of them were Americans. This is their story. They were the first group of American yeshivah bochurim to go learn in

Succot in Hebron in 1853
A fascinating description of the Jewish quarter of Hebron, including synagogue services on Succot. Illustration: Machpelah, Hebron, by Miss L. M. Cubley, 1860. The following excerpts are from a book by Lucy Matilda Cubley, who

In Memorium: Rabbanit Miriam Levinger
Pioneer of the revived Jewish Community of Hebron has passed at age 83. PHOTO: Miriam Levinger and her husband Rabbi Moshe Levinger. Credit: Miri Tzachi. Rabbanit Miriam Levinger, a pioneer in the reestablishment of the

Hebron Quarantine in the 1840s
All visitors confined to quarantine in Hebron due to plague outbreak in Egypt. In the mid 1840s, a quarantine center was created in Hebron during the plague outbreak originating in Egypt and affecting other Mediterranean

“I just wanted to bury my son in the Hebron cemetery.” – Sarah Nachshon
Hebron resident Sarah Nachshon recalls the tragic death of her infant son and her unwavering determination to see him buried in the ancient cemetery in Hebron. Sarah Nachshon was denied permission to bury her

Hebron: Biblical City, Modern Significance – Hebron Community – Mike Pence-Nikki Haley
At the Israeli Knesset in 2018, Mike Pence speaks about the significance of Hebron to the Jewish People. U.S Ambassador Nikki Haley states that “Among many other ridiculous things, UNESCO has the outrageous distinction of
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