Lech Lecha 2024


By Rabbi Moshe Goodman, Kollel Ohr Shlomo, Hebron

This parsha describes the first Jewish settlement in the Holy Land – Hebron – by Avraham
Avinu. In Tanach we find that settlement in the Land is many times depicted as "planting the
People in their Land," as in a planted tree. This painting depicting Hebron seems to have
some interesting details pertaining to trees specifically. We find three large trees and three
white-topped trees. We also see four cypresses grouped together and then next to them
another group of four cypresses together. The meaning of all these may be that in Hebron
there are the famous four saintly couples, i.e "groups," and of these there are the three
saintly couples that are more directly associated to the Jewish People. In regard to the
number four, Hebron is also called the City of Four, Kiryat Arba. It seems that there are also
forty smaller trees, which may be a derivative of this "four theme," times ten. Also, King
David began his forty year rule in Hebron. We also see a field here, which may hint to the Field of Machpela.
This parsha also describes the first Jewish battle conducted by Avraham to save Lot, from
which King David, the great warrior and prototype of Mashiach descended. This battle also
started from Hebron, from which Avraham heard about Lot's capture, and from which
Avraham gathered the courage to go to battle. This spirit of courage is ever relevant today. Let us imbibe within us this spirit of courage, the spirit of Hebron, to battle our enemies
today, to win the war, to renew Jewish settlement in Gaza and Lebanon and all the Holy Land, to pave the way towards Mashiach.

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