By Rabbi Moshe Goodman, Kollel Ohr Shlomo, Hebron
לשכנו תדרשו
Discover the Holy Presence in Our Holy Land
The Final Completion Of The Mishkan
The final completion of the Mishkan in this parsha may remind us of the final completion of the permanent Sanctuary, I.e the Beit Hamikdash, also in its permanent location on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem, begun by King David and finished by his son King Shlomo. In this painting we see the completed Temple Building as it was meant to be and the Throne of David at its center, a matter that seems to hint to the blessing of the Amida for the building of Jerusalem/the Temple “and build it [Jerusalem] everlasting and may You prepare the Throne of David Your servant within it speedily.” Indeed, the Arizal maintains that mentioning the throne of David in this bracha is so crucial that omitting such is considered that one has not said a “complete prayer” (Sha’ar Hakavanot 51b). This matter can be explained by conceptualizing the “throne of David” with the national and political grandeur of the Jewish People and conceptualizing the Temple with the grandeur of the Holy Land and the Holy Presence therein. Thus, this blessing, and also this painting, highlight how the grandeur of Israel and the Holy Land/Temple are integrally intertwined. Connecting the Holy Land with the Temple can also be seen in this painting, for we see houses, apparently from the Land surrounding the Temple, within the Temple itself.
At the center of the Throne we also see the famous Star of David which has six points and a seventh “space” at the center between all the points, a matter signifying the aspect/sefira of Kingship, of which King David is considered the ultimate prototype, according to the Kabbalah, called the “seventh sefira.” Indeed, we also see in the background six Stars of David, the middle and central Star of David thus being the “seventh.” In the same theme we also see seven lights at the top of the painting, apparently also hinting to the seven lights of the Menora. Here the Menora seems to be emanating as if from the harp, apparently also of David, at the top of the painting as well.
Indeed this is Hebron which unites (“hibur”) us Israel with our Holy Land, our People’s first home-city in the Holy Land, the place where the Throne of David was initially established, thereby hastening our Redemption, building our future Temple.