Secrets of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron

Welcome to Biblical Hebron!

Hebron is home to the Cave of the Patriarchs and is a place of pilgrimage for hundreds of thousands of people annually. Join Yishai Fleisher and learn about the history of this special city from the times of Adam and Abraham, until today.

An ancient staircase in Hebron is one of the most significant Biblical archaeological discoveries in Israel. This specific staircase dates back to the Early Bronze Age, some 4,500 years ago. Abraham himself may have walked on this staircase.

Ever since Abraham bought the Cave of the Patriarchs 3,800 years ago, Hebron has served as a center of Jewish life and culture. Archaeologists have uncovered artifacts from the First and Second Temple Period, attesting to the ancient and ongoing Jewish connection to this incredible city. Artifacts and structures from centuries of foreign Christian and Moslem rule indicate the importance of Hebron as a religious and commercial center during the many centuries of foreign rule.

Learn about the Biblical forefathers and foremothers and the eternal Jewish connection to this holy Biblical city.