US Congressmen Visit Hebron and Express Support

“Visit Judea and Samaria,” say American congress members on a trip to Hebron and Jerusalem.

Congressmen in hebron

U.S. Representative Scott Tipton of Colorado and U.S. Representative David B. McKinley wrapped up their week-long visit to Israel with a trip to Hebron on February 23, 2018.

The two congressmen were interviewed by veteran Hebron spokesperson David Wilder outside the Tomb of Machpela.

Question: Congressman McKinley, this isn’t your first time in Hebron, why did you come back?

Rep. McKinley: I wanted to see the progress made with people getting along with each other. People finding ways to solve any differences we have. Coming here is the only way you’re going to be able to do it.

Question: Congressman Tipton, what are your reflections on Hebron and Jerusalem after a week here?

Rep. Tipton: I actually had the opportunity to be here years and years ago before some of the separations. It’s interesting to see some of the dynamics that are going on. I agree with David. I think that a lot of our hopes would be to see people living peacefully together, and being able to exercise their religion where they would like as well.

Question: What are you going to tell your colleagues when you get back home? What’s the primary message you want to give them?

Rep. McKinley: To make sure that more come, and come across the green line, to come into Judea and Samaria. They’ll understand that this is all part of a holy land, that we should all be able to get along and be able to cooperate, but we’ve got to be able to get them to come here. Not enough members of Congress understand the difficulties that you’ve endured.

Rep. Tipton: I would echo that. Being able to do the “deep dive” if you will. Being able to understand a lot of the dynamics that are going on, not only in Jerusalem. Obviously one should get across the green line — the challenges that the citizenry here face. It’s something that I think would benefit all of us in Congress to be able to experience.

(Originally published on 25.2.18)

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