Kedoshim 2024


By Rabbi Moshe Goodman, Kollel Ohr Shlomo, Hebron

This parsha emphasizes the sanctity of Israel due to Hashem’s sanctification of them. This painting which
highlights dancing Hasidim, representing the pious and holy of Israel, in the midst of the Field of the
Machpela, where the holy Patriarchs and Matriarchs are buried, seems to reflect this theme of the holiness
of Israel. There are five in a circle and two outside the circle. This may reflect a Kabbalistic concept
which groups five sefirot hesed to hod together and two sefirot yesod and malchut as a separate group,
called “klalut/general sefirot,” of the seven lower sefirot. Above the Maara building there are four white
doves. These may hint to the four saintly couples, likened to angels/doves in the heavens found at Maarat
Hamachpela. In addition the dove is known to be very faithful to its couple-mate, hinting to the idea that
each dove represents a couple and not just an individual. Our Sages say as well that the name Kiryat Arba
also hints to the fact that there are four couples buried at Maarat Hamachpela. Kabbalistically we may
also link the seven Hasidim to the four doves, since there are four sefirot Keter, Hochma, Bina and Da’at
[or Hochma, Bina and Da’at has two facets called “itrin”] considered more “heavenly” sefirot in
comparison to the seven lower sefirot considered more “earthly” sefirot. The seven “earthly” sefirot may
be considered a continuation of the four “heavenly” sefirot, considered their “source”. In this way we can
consider the saintly figures buried in Maarat Hamachpela as the “source” of all the saintly figures of all
history. Thus, by clinging to Hebron and Maarat Hamachpela we cling to the holiness found in all
mankind, and ultimately to the holiness emanating from Hashem for “holy you shall be for I am Holy am I
Hashem your God.”

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