Dear Friends,
Passover is normally a challenging holiday. This year, as families are struggling due to reduced hours or layoffs and effects of Corona, the challenge is exponentially greater.
Surely, before Pesach, you receive many letters requesting your help with Kimcha D’Pischa / Maot Chitim donations. And this year more than ever you can make a difference in Hebron.
These families, whether by dedicating their time to Torah study, working hard on behalf of Hebron and the Ma’arat HaMachpelah or by simply trying to make a living in a difficult and challenging environment, our Jewish brothers and sisters in Hebron have put themselves on the line, in order to ensure that we retain a right to visit our ancestors at the very cradle of our heritage. It is without a doubt that the Jewish Community of Hebron plays a crucial part in allowing us the freedom to visit Ma’arat HaMachpelah today.
Please consider making a donation to the Ma’ot Chittim Fund, which will be allocated to families in Hebron. Click here to make a donation, call the office or mail your checks at your earliest convenience, to ensure delivery of the funds to Israel in time for the holiday.
Wishing you and your loved ones a Happy and Healthy Passover!