Tazria 2024


By Rabbi Moshe Goodman, Kollel Ohr Shlomo, Hebron

White, Kabbalistically, is associated with the attribute of kindness. We find that white is found in Biblical
leprosy, tzaraaat, found in this parsha. Indeed, the Kabbalists explain that when kindness is functioning
properly within a person then white blends in and “harmonizes” with the other colors of a person’s
contour. However, when the attribute of kindness is lacking, such as in a person who slandered another,
then the result is white leprosy, as if the person’s body is shouting out its lack and source of disharmony.
This painting depicts Maarat Hamachpela in whitish colors, perhaps hinting to what we say in our
prayers: “and He remembers the kindness of the Patriarchs and brings a redeemer to their descendants for
his Namesake with love.” It should also be noted that this entire blessing, coined the “blessing of the
Patriarchs,” is attributed to the attribute of kindness according to the Kabbalists. Another example of this
attribute in this blessing is the signing and recurring words “magen Avraham,” and Avraham is associated
with kindness. Yet another example of this attribute is the emphasis in this blessing that Hashem will
redeem us “with love,” and love is also the attribute of the Patriarch of kindness Avraham as it says
“Avraham my lover/beloved.”
It seems clear here that the white reays coming from the heavens upon Maarat Hamachpela hint tio the
Divine kindness and Presence upon this holy site, since our Patriarchs awaken this Divine kindness as we
just explained in the blessing of the Patriarchs. Our Sages say that if Hashem looked only at the merits of
Israel they would never be redeemed, but due to Hashem’s remembrance of the Patriarchs Israel are
redeemed. This may hint to the great compassion and kindness awakened by the Patriarchs as we saw in
the blessing of the Patriarchs, bringing the redemption.

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